Shandel and I waiting....and waiting.....and waiting for baby Tyson to arrive.
My dad fell asleep waiting.

Tyson with his daddy

The proud parents!
Shaleece started having contractions Saturday morning at 1 a.m. Her doctor told her she needed to go to the hospital. They ended up sending her back home at 3 a.m. At 7 that same morning her contractions started getting worse so they went back to the hospital. 16 hours later Tyson was born!
Tyson Micah Openshaw
Born November 14th at 12:05 a.m.
8lbs 6oz, 21 inches long

We LOVE Tyson so much and we are so excited to be aunts!
He is precious!!!

My mom is so excited to be a grandma!!! Tyson is the first grandchild in our family.
My grandma is excited to be a great grandma!
I love my nephew so much! I can't wait to spend more time with him!
Love you baby Tyson!!