Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Camping with Family & Friends

Every year our friends and family get together for a camping trip in Bear Lake. This year was our 12th annual camp trip. It was not warm at all... It rained, & it blew like crazy. We froze our butts off! 

Kellie and Dykoda with their new teeth!

My favorite part of going camping.. The dutch oven food!
Kyle and Jer having a good time!
One windy day at the beach!

Here are pictures from some of the past T.E. Weenie fests!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Idaho fun!

This is one of my favorite pictures!  I got to visit Mark on his birthday!
Shandel and I
My family from Massachusetts came to visit for a month and I've been able to spend the past few weekends with them in Soda Springs.  Mark and Lisa are on the left, Nikki is hiding behind my Grandma, Jamie, Mike, and Mykyn are on the right. We had a great time and I hope to see them again soon!
Shante & Jamie fly fishing